Friday, July 24, 2020

What is the Structure of C program:

C Program Basic Structure

C Program Structure


Here you will learn the basic concepts of C program. 

The C program consists of six main sections. Below you will find a brief explanation for each of them.


C program Basic Structure

Documentation Section

Link Section

Definition Section

Global Declaration Section

Main() Function Section

{                                        .

Declaration Section

Executable Section

}                                        .

Subprogram Section



Basic C Program Structure


Documentation Section:

This section consists of a comment line that includes the name of the programmer, the author and other details such as the time and date of writing of the program. The Documentation section helps anyone get an overview of the program.


Link Section:

The link section consists of the header files of the functions used in the program. It gives the compiler instructions on how to link functions from the system library.


Definition Section:

All of the symbolic constants are written in the definition section. Macros is known as symbolic constants.


Global Declaration Section:

Global variables that can be used anywhere in the program are stated in the Global Declaration section. The user defined functions are also declared in this section.


main() Function Section:

It is necessary to have one main) (function section in each C program. This section includes two parts, a declaration and an executable part. The declaration part declares all the variables used in the executable part. These two parts must be written between the opening and the closing braces. Each declaration and executable part of the declaration must end with a semicolon (;). The execution of the program starts with the opening of the braces and ends with the closing braces.


Subprogram Section:

The subprogram section contains all user defined functions used to perform a specific task. In the main ( ) function, these user defined functions are called.

Output of preview program is:

output of program

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