Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Debunking the Myth: Does Water Really Have a Memory?

 Debunking the Myth: The Science Behind 'Water Has a Memory


Sounds crazy right?  Actually, that’s true but not many peoples are aware of it.

So welcome to the world of water. we are surrounded by water around 70 % of the earth consists of water. we use water in our daily life to calm our thrust. we drink water, and we use water for cleaning our homes, clothes, and dishes. we use water to grow grains foods vegetables, and we bathe in water. The human body contains approx 60% water. we drink it we use it, we waste it but we never think about it. we do not realize that water is so much more than just water.

 A groundbreaking discovery has been made with the most basic resources.     some scientists claim that water molecules can retain memory it is similar to how memory work in the brain.

during the 1990’sa Japanese Dr. Masaru  Emoto performed a series of experiments to observe the effect of prayers and music, words, and environment on the crystalline structure of water.

 What is water memory ??

Water has the ability to retain memory –called water memory. Emoto through his work has proved that water has a memory he just simply performs a number of words with different variables and freezes so that water molecules form crystalline structures.

As we know human body contains 60% water. This water carries our energy, some unexpressed feelings, and negative and positive emotions stored in the different parts of our body most powerful emotions such as anger, fear are stored in our back and most negative emotions are stored along with spine Most of our powerful emotions such as anger and fear are stored in our back. So we can say if we are in a bad mood we carry bad emotions at this time if we are holding a glass in a container it also carries bad energy .and if we are in a good mood the water also carries good energy. Water is the source of life still we are not aware of it.

Dr. Emoto said water reacts according to the word we use and we carry good emotions water crystals create either beautiful or harmonious shapes or ugly or irregular ones.

 For a long period of time, all religious places like temples church devotees are blessed with a little water to drink and sprinkle on them. the water in religious places is programmed with positive thoughts and blessings.

We can use water for affirmation of love success, and relationships. 

Some of the photos capture water crystalline structure using different words


Always remember Our thoughts and emotions can change the molecular structure of water. our bodies are 70% water. "By holding the intentions of peace towards the water by thinking, speaking and acting the intentions of peace towards the water, water can and will bring peace to our bodies and to the world "

We should pay respect to water, feel love and gratitude, and receive vibrations with a positive attitude. Then water changes, and you change and I change because both you and I are the water.

So Stay Happy, and Drink a Lot of Water.

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